Make sense of your child's behaviour and learning needs.
Improve your child's behaviour and learning habits.
Support your child's engagement and communication
Work towards school readiness
Turn negatives into positives
In-home and online consultations designed around your requirements. Learning sessions for children. Consultations for parents. Short term and long term action plans. Contact me to book your free 20 minute phone consultation.
develop their confidence, readiness and capacity to engage in learning tasks.
learn and develop in a way that fosters their unique learning style.
regulate their emotions, their attention and their sensory and movement needs.
develop their capacity for school readiness
develop their capacity for independent work and homework habits.
build on academic skills such as reading, writing, handwriting and mathematics.
improve your child's behaviour and learning habits by supporting their sensory, movement, emotional, and attention needs.
understand therapist and school reports and learn how to act on their recommendations.
gain a clear picture of all that you can do to ensure that your child has the best opportunity to grow and learn at home, at school and in other environments.
I will listen to your concerns and successes and help you understand these from a child development perspective. I will support you to address challenges by setting up strategies that can be used by you and your child on a daily basis.
We will evaluate your progress and I will guide you on the way forward.
You are an essential partner in your child's care and education. Learn all that you can do right now to support your child.
Our bodies actually have more than the commonly-known 5 senses. There are 8 senses which are the building blocks for learning and development. The 3 lesser-known senses are proprioception, vestibular, and interoception. The proprioceptive and vestibular sensory systems are linked to learning and engagement. Interoception affects a child's overall comfort level. My extensive experience and knowledge ensure that I can help you to recognise the impact of these senses and to act accordingly to support your child.
I am Anne. I am a university-trained teacher with 30 years of experience teaching in schools and early childhood settings. I am passionate that all children should have the opportunity to thrive. I have an extensive understanding of child development, in particular the 8 senses, and use this to support your child's behaviour and learning at home. I believe in creating a partnership between children, parents, and school and will help you to build these bonds. I value neuro-diversity. This simply means different ways of thinking. I specialise in all children of preschool to primary age (and beyond), with a special understanding of those on the autism spectrum, those with ADD/ADHD, and those with sensory and emotional regulation issues.
I have attained a Graduate Certificate in Autism.
Professional development (in addition to qualifications)
3 Steps to improving interoception: An Evidence-Based approach
(presented online by Kelly Mahler, Occupational Therapist, USA)
Toileting, Interoception and nutrition:An evidence-based approach for promoting toileting success and independence
(presented online by Kelly Mahler, Occupational Therapist, USA)
Interoception and the non-speaking client
(presented online by Kelly Mahler, Occupational Therapist, USA)
Meaningful Speech Course ™
"Confidently identify, evaluate, and work with any child who communicates with delayed echolalia (often referred to as scripting).
Did you know there are TWO ways to develop language? Children who communicate with delayed echolalia (often called scripting) are gestalt language processors, not analytic ("typical") language processors. Their language development is a bit different and requires different language support. Both types of language development have the same final destination, though - flexible, original language!"
(presented online via
Understanding PDA and The Low Arousal Approach for Behaviour
(webinar presented by Raelene Dundon)
Sensory Diet digital course - Master
(Presented by: Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, AC and Jessica Hill, COTA/L)
The Impact of Retained Primitive Reflexes on Daily Activities: Interventions for Early Intervention
to the School Environment
(2023 Sensational Brain Summit)
Functional Movement Interventions for Brain Organization Across the Lifespan
(2024 Sensational Brain Summit)
Functional impact of vision challenges
(Presented by Emily Bourque, MS, OTR/L Pediatric Occupational Therapist)
PDA - Understanding Demand Avoidance
(Presented by Barb Cook)